Thursday, September 16, 2010

Skin tissue

Have you ever wondered why your skin color different 's from your friends or family? A few years ago I realized that my skin was much darker than my siblings.  I did not understand why until today, when I read about human skin in chapter 6, of my Human Anatomy and Physiology book.  There I learned that  skin color results from a combination of genetic, enviromental, and physiological factors. Genetic differences in skin color are caused by differing amounts of melanin in the skin and by differences in the size of melanin granules. Exposure to sunlight causes darkening of the skin because melanin production increases because it circulatin within dermal blood vessels affects skin color. Is there any solution to repair my damage skin? I'm not sure. I have always liked to work in the garden so my skin will probly always be darker than my sisters.

What is the definition of skin?
   Skin is a large organ responsible for maintaing homestasis through temperature regulation, protection of underlying tissue, retartdation of water loss, housing sensory receptors, synthesizing certain chemicals and excreting wastes.  It consists of an outer epidermis and an inner dermis connected to underlying tissue by the subcutanceous layer.

I understand the definition of skin but still don't have any clue of how to improve my skin.  May be more study will help me.

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