Lab 1 Microscopes
1. Identify and describe the functions of the parts of the microscope.
2. Demonstrate proper use of the microscope.
3. Recognize improper storage of microscope.
4. Calculate total magnification of a specimen.
5. Draw the orientation of the image on a microscope.
6. Describe proper use of the oil immersion objective.
Lab 17 Endocrine System
1. List hormones synthesized and secreted from each endocrine organ described in Tables 17.1 and 17.2.
2. For each hormone in #1 describe the target organ and effect.
3. Identify these endocrine organs in the cat specimen:
a. Thyroid
b. Thymus
c. Adrenal gland
d. Pancreas
e. Ovary
f. Testis
4. Identify the major endocrine organs on a human model and human diagram.
5. Answer lab manual questions regarding the video experiments described in Exercies 17.3
6. Compare the nervous system and endocrine system mechanisms of communication.
Lab 18 Blood
1. Identify regions of whole blood that has been centrifuged. Specify the structures and materials found in each region.
2. Identify formed elements on a microscope slide.
3. Categorize white blood cells as granulocytes or angranulocytes.
4. Rank the relative numbers of cell types in healthy individuals, and in those with lymphocytic leukemia, infectious mononucleosis and eosinophilia.
5. Explain the significance and method of performing a Differential White Blood Cell Count.
Lab 19 Blood Groups
1. Define agglutinogen and agglutin.
2. List the agglutinogens and agglutinins present in Type O, A, B and AB blood.
3. Describe the significance of the Rh factor in erythroblastosis fetalis.
4. Explain the mechanism and drug used to prevent erythroblastosis fetalis.
5. Demonstrate the preparation of a slide agglutination test to determine blood type.
6. Report the results of a diagram of a slide agglutination test .
7. Organize a list of blood types by ability to donate or receive other blood types.
8. Explain the mechanism that causes some blood types to be incompatible during blood transfusions.
Lab 19 Heart
1. Identify the following regions of the heart in heart models, diagrams and in the sheep heart
a. Diaphragmatic surface
b. Apex
c. Base
2. Identify these great vessels in a heart model or diagram:
a. Superior vena cava
b. Inferior vena cava
c. Pulmonary trunk
d. Aorta (ascending, arch)
e. Pulmonary arteries
f. Pulmonary veins
g. Brachiocephalic trunk
h. Left common carotid
i. Left subclavian
3. Identify these surface structures in a heart model or diagram, or on a sheep heart:
a. Atrioventricular groove
b. Anterior and posterior interventricular grooves
c. Auricle
d. Ligamentum arteriosum
4. Identify these vessels that supply and drain from the heart:
a. Right and left coronary arteries
b. Anterior and posterior interventricular arteries
c. Circumflex artery
d. Marginal artery
e. Coronary sinus
f. Great cardiac vein
g. middle cardiac vein
h. small cardiac vein
5. Explain the significance of a blocked coronary artery.
6. Identify these internal structures on a heart model or diagram, or a sheep heart:
a. Pectinate muscles
b. Fossa ovalis (heart model or diagram)
c. Right and Left Atrioventricular valves
d. Aortic and Pulmonary Semilunar valves
e. Chordae tendinae
f. Papillary muscles
g. Interventricular septum
h. Trabeculae carnae
7. Know the names of the atrioventricular valves:
a. Mitral valve
b. Bicuspid
c. Tricuspid
8. Identify and describe the function of structures associated with the fetal heart and bypass of pulmonary circulation.
9. Diagram the Pulmonary and System Circulations
10. Describe the relative oxygen and carbon dioxide content of arteries and veins in the pulmonary and system circulations. Assign appropriate colors to each.
11. Identify right and left sides of a heart model and sheep heart, from the outside and inside.
12. Describe the difference in the walls of the right and left ventricles, and the reasons for these differences.
13. Identify the four chambers of the heart in heart models, diagrams and sheep hearts. Specify right and left.
14. Trace the path of blood from the vena cavae through the heart and pulmonary circulation to the ascending aorta.
15. Explain how the heart functions as a 'double pump'.
Lab 21 Blood Vessels
1. Describe the layers of the walls in arteries, veins and capillaries.
2. Identify an artery and vein under the microscope. Identify the histological layers of these vessels.
3. Describe the structural and functional differences between elastic arteries, muscular arteries and arterioles.
4. Describe the function of venous valves and precapillary sphincters.
5. Identify the bold faced arteries from Exercise 21.2 in models and diagrams. Models include:
a. 'Skeletor' skeleton with viscera
b. Torso model
c. Flat model pictured in Photo 385a
d. Heart models
e. Arm and leg models
6. List the body regions supplied by the arteries from #5.
7. Identify the bold faced veins from Exercise 21.3 in models and diagrams. Models are the same as in #5.
8. List the body regions drained by veins from #5.
9. Identify arteries and veins in bold face from the cat dissection Exercise 21.4 in a cat specimen.
10. Diagram and explain the function of the Hepatic Portal System. List the blood vessels included in the system.
11. Explain the function of the Liver.
12. Diagram fetal circulation through these structures:
a. Umbilical artery and vein
b. Umbilical cord
c. Foramen ovale
d. Ductus arteriosus
Lab 22 Blood Pressure
1. Define Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure.
2. Explain the cardiac events that cause SBP and DBP.
3. Identify the instruments used in measuring blood pressure via the auscultatory method.
4. Describe the significance of sounds in the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure.
5. Explain the effect of body position on blood pressure and explain the reason for the differences.
6. Define Hypotension and explain the risks it causes to health.
7. Define Hypertension and explain the risks it causes to health.
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